WITH THE UNDERTAKING  of the 2004 Olympic Games in September 1997, great expectations were born for the rebirth of Greek tourism. The hitherto "sun-sea" model seemed outdated and tourism operators began to methodically urge the political leadership to turn the page, investing in special forms of tourism with the prospect of extending the tourist season. 

Incredible time and money were wasted on workshops, conferences, studies and the country's participation in international exhibitions, but nothing substantial and targeted was done, with the result that the global financial crisis of 2008, as a result of the collapse of major banks, turned Greek tourism into years. back.

 On the contrary, during the difficult first years of the '10s, the combination of individuals (creation of Marketing Greece) and the State (Ministry of Tourism & EOT) in low tones reached the country with enviable results. Grievances and Cassandres will always be there, but let's keep the positives, considering how important revenue is for local communities and GDP. Anyone who thinks that this only applies to tourism entrepreneurs is naive.