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Pope Francis arrived in Lesvos

At just a few minutes after 10:00AM, the plane carrying Pope Francis to Lesvos landed at Mytilene airport.

Pope Francis will visit refugees in the “Welcome Center and Authentication” at Kara Tepe.

The President of the Republic, who arrived on the island half an hour earlier, will accompany the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church during his visit.

The two of them had a short conversation upon his arrival, while Metropolitan Iakovos welcomed him to the island.

The Vice President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schoinas, and the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, will also be in Kara Tepe.

The Pope will stay for about an hour at the “Reception and Identification Center” and at 12:15 he will leave Lesvos for Athens.

At 16:45 he will perform a Divine Liturgy at the Athens Concert Hall.

Pope francis Mytilene Lesvos December 5 2021

Uni graduates seeking vocational training

An increasing number of university graduates have turned in recent years, amid the financial crisis and high unemployment, to studies offered by vocational training institutes (IEK), which had hitherto been relatively shunned. 

Countries rush to buy Merck, Pfizer’s experimental Covid-19 pills

Merck & Co Inc has signed nine deals to sell more than about 3 million courses in total of its experimental Covid-19 pill molnupiravir to governments around the world as nations scramble to tame the pandemic.


Economic Freedom in Greece Improving, Albeit Slowly

Greece Economic Freedom

Greece has made its way up four positions in the Global Economic Freedom Index since 2019, but this movement establishes the country in just the 78th place out of 165, according to the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World annual report.

The report was released on Tuesday in Greece and Cyprus by the Center for Liberal Studies.

Summer heatwaves this year break new records

The heatwave recorded this summer between July 28 and August 5 was a record-breaker in terms of duration and temperatures, according to a study by the National Meteorological Service.

The study divides the nine-day heatwave into two phases, the first from July 28-31 and the second from August 1-5. Very high temperatures were recorded during the first phase, but the maximums remained below the July records.

As the days went by the temperatures rose, with the result that in the first five days of August the maximum temperatures exceeded or approached the absolute maximum temperatures for August in several areas.

Record highs of August were recorded mainly in Serres (43.4C vs a previous 43.3C), Thessaloniki (40.5C vs 40.4C), Astros (45C vs 42.2C), Lamia (45.4C vs 43.8C), Elliniko (43C vs 41.8C), Elefsina (44.8C vs 43.5C), Argos (46.3C vs 43.2C), Kalamata (43.2C vs 41.4C) and Nea Philadelphia (45.3C vs 43.6C).

Unvaccinated Teachers Must Show Negative Tests to Enter Schools in Greece

Unvaccinated Teachers Must Show Negative Tests to Enter Schools in Greece

the development of wine tourism

the development of wine tourism

Study in Greece

Study in Greece

Study in Greece

Want to study in Greece, the very birthplace of academia (or, in Ancient Greek, Akadēmía)? This Mediterranean country is widely recognized as the intellectual wellspring to which modern Western culture owes many of its linguistic, philosophical, cultural, legal, social and ethical beliefs and systems. Concepts of individualism, freedom, democracy and government all have their roots in the great thinkers of Ancient Greece, whose ideas are still widely read and debated today. Keen to follow in the footsteps of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and so many other great questioners and innovators – while enjoying some delicious Greek cuisine, sunny weather and lively cities? Read on…