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ECB’s decision on Greek bonds a “message of confidence”, says Greece

A decision taken by the European Central Bank on Greece is a strong message of confidence and a signal of acknowledging the progress made by our country, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Friday, commenting on an ECB’s decision on Greek bonds.

The European Central Bank will offer threefold support to Greece after the end of the extraordinary quantitative easing program (PEPP) in March, and despite Greece’s exclusion from the conventional QE program (APP). Frankfurt will reserve the option of purchasing Greek bonds worth at least 20 billion euros and therefore cover the Greek state’s issuing activity.

That support will come through the extension of the bond reinvestment period, the flexibility that the reinvestment will have, and the possibility of reactivating the PEPP if required. Importantly, all ECB Governing Council members were in favor of that support to Greece, thanks to the systematic work by all Bank of Greece officials involved over the last six months.

“This is a very strong signal for Greece,” said ECB chief Christine Lagarde at a press conference, noting that the country “has clearly recorded great progress, especially at the front of reforms, and its credit rating has improved considerably.”

Staikouras stressed that this decision and the comments made by ECB’s president added to the chain of recent reports by partners, institutions and credit rating companies, which all certified that the country was moving towards the right direction and that its economic policy and the sacrifices of the citizens were bearing fruit.

He stressed, however, that the government and its economic team have no room for complacency that it will continue implementing reforms, and a prudent fiscal policy.

The FinMin noted that that the government and the economic team are working with a plan and with determination and confidence to further strenthen the country and to obtain, the soonest possible, the investment grade.


State Department approves potential frigate sale to Greece, despite agreement with France

WASHINGTON — The U.S. State Department on Friday approved a pair of potential deals for frigate construction and modernization with Greece, as the Hellenic Navy navigates a complex effort to upgrade its surface fleet.

Greece has an ongoing competition for a three-part plan: upgrade its four Hydra-class MEKO 200 frigates; obtain an interim capability it can operate while the MEKOs are at the maintenance yard; and buy four new frigates. Additional objectives, as outlined to the U.S. Navy, were to involve the Greek industrial base and to increase interoperability with the U.S. as a NATO ally and frequent collaborator in the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere.

Refugees in Lesbos await Pope to share their stories

A view of the Mavrovouni refugee camp on Lesbos

Archbishop Josif Printezis highlights the significance of the Pope’s upcoming trip to Lesbos, noting that the camp he will be visiting is not the same as it was on his trip 6 years ago reports the Vatican news

Six years have passed since Pope Francis last visited the Greek island of Lesbos. Since then, according to Archbishop Josif Printezis, a lot of things have changed. Speaking to Francesca Sabatinelli, the Greek Archbishop notes that the conditions at the migrant camp are much better now than they were. It’s actually a new camp, he says, explaining that after Pope Francis visited back in 2016, it burnt down and a new one was built. 

The Pope visits Lesbos and meets with migrants and refugees at the island’s Mavrovouni refugee camp on Sunday, his penultimate day in Greece. 

A different reality

Another difference is that “now there are much fewer refugees”, says Archbishop Printezis. There were around 25,000 when the Pope came to visit, now there are around 2,500. This, he explained, is partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, meaning many fewer refugees are travelling, “but also due to the agreement between the European Union and Turkey”. They are not being “sent over”, he explains. He also adds that the process of identification and asylum is much faster now, and people are getting their papers and moving to mainland Greece or to the continent. 

The agreement between Turkey and the EU was made in March 2016, EU Heads of State or Government and Turkey agreed to end the irregular migration from Turkey to the EU and replace it instead with legal channels of resettlement of refugees to the European Union.

The Pope’s concern

The Pope really is concerned for the situation surrounding migrants, said Archbishop Printezis. He is concerned about the many lives being lost, especially at sea, but he is also concerned about the situations that are causing the migration forcing people to leave their homes and their countries… about war.. about poverty. 

A significant visit

“We are looking forward to the Pope’s visit”, he says. It is a wonderful opportunity for us as such a “small Catholic community” to be able to meet the Pope, to have him visit, or even just to have him “think about us”. It is important that the Catholic people of Greece not feel left out, he continued, and for them to feel part of the bigger Catholic Church in the world. Pope Francis is very highly esteemed he concluded, by our Catholics, but also by the Orthodox.. “by everyone”, he says. “All people are very fond of him for all he says and all he does”.

90-Year-Old Greek Statue at Legion of Honor Vandalized, Pieces Missing in San Francisco

90-Year-Old Greek Statue at Legion of Honor Vandalized, Pieces Missing in San Francisco 1

One of San Francisco’s oldest statues — a marbled Greek sculpture at Legion of Honor — was found without several parts this week, sparking calls for the return of the missing pieces by curators.

90-Year-Old Greek Statue at Legion of Honor Vandalized, Pieces Missing in San Francisco 2

90-Year-Old Greek Statue at Legion of Honor Vandalized, Pieces Missing in San Francisco 3

Sometime before the weekend, criminals defaced a large statue at SF’s Legion of Honor museum, leaving the work of art severely damaged and missing several parts. According to ABC7, both art curators and members of the museum’s community are devastated by the actions taken by the vandals.

But what’s done has been done. Now, they just want those pieces returned so that the statue can be properly repaired.

“This is really sad, this is a loss to the museum and people of San Francisco because this is a piece of art that’s been vandalized wantonly,” said Legion of Honor European Arts and Sculpture Curator Martin Chapman in a statement published by the news outlet. Chapman added that vandals knocked the heads off the two sons of Greek God Laocoon, before sharing that part of his leg was also destroyed.

The museum has said that unfortunately, none of its exterior security cameras captured the vandalism in progress. But thankfully, other statues on the grounds — like Joan of Arc — were not targeted by the criminals.

Regardless, repairs to the damaged statues won’t be easy, especially without the recovered parts. Chapman hopes with the help of the community that the missing pieces can be found.

“What we would like to do is recover the missing parts most essential and restore the object,” said Chapman to ABC7. The curator has said that the SF police are not investigating the crime, as well.

The piece itself — a reproduction of a sculpture in the Vatican — was given to the museum in 1930. Presently, the Legion of Honor’s collection contains over 124,000 works that span the gamut of creative expression, from stone statues to oil paintings.

Pope Francis arrived in Lesvos

At just a few minutes after 10:00AM, the plane carrying Pope Francis to Lesvos landed at Mytilene airport.

Pope Francis will visit refugees in the “Welcome Center and Authentication” at Kara Tepe.

The President of the Republic, who arrived on the island half an hour earlier, will accompany the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church during his visit.

The two of them had a short conversation upon his arrival, while Metropolitan Iakovos welcomed him to the island.

The Vice President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schoinas, and the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, will also be in Kara Tepe.

The Pope will stay for about an hour at the “Reception and Identification Center” and at 12:15 he will leave Lesvos for Athens.

At 16:45 he will perform a Divine Liturgy at the Athens Concert Hall.

Pope francis Mytilene Lesvos December 5 2021

Kythera: An Enchanting Greek Island Where History Meets Beauty

Kythera is a unique Greek island full of majestic beaches and green mountainous terrain, so there is something there for everyone.

Kythera is a lesser known Greek island, as it is overshadowed in fame by Antikythera and the its amazing Antikythera Mechanism, discovered off its shores.

The island is opposite the south-eastern tip of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was inhabited in ancient times and has the oldest sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite.

Through the 19th century it was a trade crossroads of several civilizations and cultures, including Greek, Venetian, and Ottoman.

Kythera greek island

History of the Greek Island of Kythera

Medieval Castle in Enchanted Island

The Venetian rule marked the culture and idiosyncrasy of Kytherians. It contributed to their excellence in the arts, politics and commerce.

Due to the historical relationship between the Ionian Islands and Italy, many Kytherians studied in Italian cities.

Several Greek politicians and prominent academics hail from Kythera. General Panos Koroneos served as Minister of War in the mid-1800s; Panagiotis Tsitsilias was a Liberal Party MP; Spiridon Stais was MP for Harilaos Trikoupis’ party and Minister of Education.

Also, Grigorios Kassimatis was a distinguished academic; MP Grigorios L. Kassimatis fought in the Resistance; Giorgos Kassimatis was one of the most distinguished professors at the Law School of Athens and a writer.

In the arts and literature, Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo) – also known for his roots in Lefkada – is Japan’s national poet and lived in Kythera in the second half of the 19th century.

Painter Georgios Drizos, the engraver and lithographer Vasilios Charos, the painter and engraver Manolis Charos, photographers Panagiotis Fatseas and Manolis Sofios, were all artists whose body of work makes a priceless cultural heritage for the island.

Kytherians in Australia

If you visit Kythera, you will be surprised by the percentage of Australian tourists among visitors. The reason is that thousands of Kytherians went to Australia in the first wave of migration to the land down under in the early 20th century.

It is estimated that there are over 60,000 Greek-Australians of Kytherian descent living in Australia and the Kytherian community of Sydney is one of the oldest communities in the

In the dawn of the 20th century, hundreds of Kytherians could not sustain and raise a family on the island due to its small size and mountainous terrain.

Many were forced to migrate to Australia, since America had made migration policies more strict by that time. So Kytherians settled in Sydney and Brisbane instead.

So it is natural that the second and third generation Greek-Australians of Kytherian decsent to want to make a connection with their ancestral roots, while having a great holiday.

Once there, let yourself be enchanted by Kythera

Kythera is ideal for relaxation and is great for families and nature lovers. The more adventurous types can enjoy hiking, cycling or splash in the waterfalls.

Off the beaten track despite its ferry connections and an airport, the island still somehow has remained a hidden Greek treasure.

Don’t be surprised if you go to a small beach and find that you can have it all for yourself for a few hours.

In Kythera you can stay in Palaiochora, Agia Pelagia, Diakofti, Livadi, Avlemonas and other villages.

Ten great beaches on the Greek island


Kythera has many great beaches, typical of the Aegean Sea, with clear turquoise waters and golden sands.

Kaladi is on the east side of the island, near Paleopoli. The beach has average size pebbles, while the waters are deep, and ideal for diving.

Vroulea is on the southeast part of Kythera, near Kalamos. It is rather isolated and has pebbly sand.

Kapsali, is also south, but this is a large beach with pebbly sand and shallow waters. It is a busy family beach with deckchairs, umbrellas, restaurants, snack bars, and cafes.

Chalkos  is in Kalamos and it is an average size beach with big rocks and pebbles. It has blue-green waters with beautiful reflections. The beach is lined with deckchairs, umbrellas and snack-bars like Kapsali.

Fyri Ammos is a large beach also in Kalamos, with coarse red sand, it is a rocky beach with deep waters and a cave. You can find deckchairs, beach umbrellas and a snack-bar there.

Fournoi is rocky beach on the northeastern part of the island with the same offerings as Fyri Ammos.

Gerakari is a small isolated beach in the northwest. It has pebbly sand and offers lots of privacy so couples can enjoy a romantic sunset.

Lorentzo in Agia Pelagia is in the north part of Kythera. It has coarse crimson sand and is famous for its caves.

Limni Kakias Lagadas in Agia Pelagia is a small isolated beach with small pebbles between a lake and the sea.

Fyri Ammos of Agia Pelagia is in the northeast part of the island. It is very busy with deep waters, coarse red sand and pebbles.

Other natural wonders on Kythera

Waterfall in Greek island

There is more to Kythera than just lying on the sand or swimming in the crystal clear waters.

The ravine of Mylopotamos with its running waters starts from the center of the village and ends at Kalami beach.

Surrounded by plane trees and poplars, the water creates waterfalls and small beautiful ponds, ideal to jump in. The ravine is bordered by 22 watermills.

The mountainous part of the island is great for cycling, but requires a lot of effort and the legs of an athlete. Hiking is also an activity on offer for the more athletic types.

There is a wild and very beautiful gorge known as Kakia Lagada. It starts in Palaiochora, a Byzantine citadel formally called Agios Dimitrios, and stretches all the way to the northern coast of Kythera, east of Agia Pelagia, to Limni.


Six Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Greek

When visiting Greece it may be difficult for you to understand some of the cultural norms to follow during your stay in this beautiful country. To help you avoid embarrassing conversations and awkward situations, here’s a list of things to avoid saying to a Greek. You’re welcome!

Groups of greeks enjoying Mykonos, Greece.

Things you shouldn’t say in Greece

1. “Can I have some Turkish coffee?”

No, you may not. Truly, you never want to ask this question – not in a Greek’s home or in a cafeteria. Two reasons: first of all, it is Greek coffee and you will be told entire back story — so be sure to get comfy! Secondly, you’re in Greece — so again, it’s Greek coffee!

2. “Which way is the ocean?”

Greece is not located in the ocean! We have the Mediterranean Sea and it is divided into the other seas – the Ionian, Aegean and Cretan. If you have ever been to an island in the ocean you know there are huge waves. In Greece we are very proud of our beautiful, relatively calm blue seas, which are perfect for swimming, sailing and water sports.

3. “Where is the Pantheon”?

Wrong country. You mean the Parthenon. For Greeks, history and historical ruins are an interwoven part of culture and society. So before you come to Greece looking for the Pantheon — an Ancient Roman building located in Rome — please do a Google search!

4. “Can you teach me something to say in Greek?”

This is a bad question to ask, as many Greeks get a kick out of telling foreigners to try out the almost impossible to say, tongue-twisting word describing an ancient Greek festival dish invented by Aristophanes. Go on, try it and see how you do! It’s “Lopathotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimipotrimmatosiliphiokaravomelitokatakechimenokichlepikossiphophttoperisteralektruonoptokefalliokiglopeleiolagoosiraiovafitraganopterugon.”

5. “Here’s my address, look me up if you come to my country.”

Don’t say this unless you actually mean it! If you give your address to a Greek it is pretty much a given that if they are ever visiting your country, they will look you up. Greeks are known for their hospitality and after having welcomed you into their country, or island, or village, they will assume that you wish to do the same.

6. “Istanbul.”

Greeks still call this city Konstantinopoli. Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you call it Istanbul, but it’s a really sensitive subject for many Greeks for several reasons.

In fact, if you buy a plane ticket from Greece to go to Istanbul, you will find that it says Konstantinopoli in Greek.

Even the on the news, reporters refer to Istanbul as Konstantinopoli. Here’s why: The city is not only steeped in Greek history, it is also because of its deep religious ties. Konstantinopoli means “City of Constantine,” and was named after the Byzantine emperor who established the city as the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire.

The Ottomans took over the city in 1453 and its name was officially changed to Istanbul in the beginning of the last century. Actually even this name means “to the city” — meaning Constantinople — but that’s a story for another day.


Greek Students Triumph in World Robotics Olympiad

The Greek national Robotics team recently won three medals in the Robotics Olympiad, held between June and September. The “First Global Challenge Team Greece” won one gold, one silver and one bronze medals.

The Robotics Olympiad First Global Challenge called “Discover and Recover 2021” was held from June 27 to September 25, 2021. It was conducted remotely, due to the pandemic restrictions. The First Global Challenge Robotics Olympiad is a robotics, science and technology event.

Greek robotics team

The Story of the First Greek-American from Chicago Killed in World War II

Leo Loumbas was the first Greek-American killed in World War II (WWII) from the city of Chicago.

Greek American WWII Leo Loumbas

Uni graduates seeking vocational training

An increasing number of university graduates have turned in recent years, amid the financial crisis and high unemployment, to studies offered by vocational training institutes (IEK), which had hitherto been relatively shunned.