• What are the investment conditions in Greece?
  • What is the best way to invest in your country?
  • Is it possible to obtain citizenship by buying property?
  • What is the first step to immigrating to Greece through investment?

Since the question of many of our compatriots can be whether it is possible to invest in Greece and immigrate to this country through investment for foreign nationals, we recommend the following article by experienced experts in immigration with the institution Thenjv.co was prepared, do not miss. In case of any questions or ambiguities, you can ask your questions in the contact us section so that experienced experts in international affairs can try to answer your questions. The following are the basic and important points in a simple and concise way of your service:


Investing in Greece and influential economic indicators:

Investing in Greece and influential indicators in the Greek economy are among the items that should be given a lot of attention. These economic indicators include unemployment rate, GDP rate, Greek tax rate. Be. These economic indicators must be carefully and thoroughly examined. The unemployment rate helps to know the amount of skilled and talented labor in Greece. Gross production rate indicates the influential industries in this country and tax rate which is one of the main points for investors in any country. The following is the exact amount of each of the mentioned indicators:

 Unemployment rate in Greece:

About one-fifth of the workforce in Greece is foreigners working in the agricultural and construction industries. The unemployment rate in Greece is 0.6%, given the economic crisis in Greece. Compared to other European countries, the rate is very high.


 Gross production rate in Greece

One of the influential factors in investing in Greece is the per capita amount of domestic production and the study of the country's profit. In 1995, the per capita GDP rate was close to $ 150, which is a low rate compared to other European countries, which is not unrelated to the economic crisis that has gripped Greece. In the chart below, you can see the amount of GDP compared to other European countries in the last year.