What is the list of jobs Greece needs?

What is the unemployment rate in Greece?

What is the income gap between men and women in Greece?

Income level List of jobs required by Greece

Jobs will not be easy to find in Greece ; Because even the Greeks themselves are facing an unemployment crisis, and as a result the process will be more difficult for foreigners. The following chart compares the unemployment rate in Greece with the powerful country of Germany in 2020 to better examine this issue:

Monthly income level Jobs required by Greece Row
€ 1580 (Euro) Accountants 1
€ 2850 (Euro) Aerospace Engineer 2
€ 2660 (Euro) Responsible for air traffic control 3
€ 1530 (Euro) Assistant Pilot 4
€ 3900 (Euro) The pilot 5
€ 2730 (Euro) Architect 6
€ 880 (Euro) Auto Mechanic 7
€ 1750 (Euro) Teacher 8
€ 2030 (Euro) Translator 9
€ 930 (Euro) babysitter 10
€ 890 (Euro) kindergarten's teacher 11
€ 2120 (Euro) Civil Engineer 12
€ 2290 (Euro) Electrical and Electronics Engineer 13
€ 2280 (Euro) mechanical engineer 14
€ 1470 (Euro) Chef 15
€ 1460 (Euro) Travel agency employee 16
€ 5350 (Euro
Dentist 17
€ 4380 (Euro) Nutritionist 18
€ 1810 (Euro) laboratory technician 19
€ 1840 (Euro) Nurse 20
€ 1720 (Euro) computer technician 21
€ 2330 (Euro) Web developer and programmer 22
€ 2860 (Euro) Pharmacist 23





Despite few job opportunities, especially after the outbreak of the Corona virus, those who have studied in the required fields in Greece and graduated from the country's top universities, if they are fluent in English and Greek at the same time, They will have a good chance of finding a job in Greece. The following table shows some of the jobs required by Greece and their income level during 2021:




How to get the list of jobs required by Greece

There are two ways to do this: 

Study in Greece and convert a student visa to a work visa after graduation as a result of finding a jobObtaining a direct job offer from a Greek employer and applying for a Greek work visa from her or his country Given that the unemployment rate in Greece is above 15% and even some sources have reported a youth unemployment rate of over 30%, there is very little chance that someone will succeed in entering the country through the second way, obtaining a direct work visa from Greece. Be. According to the law, the Greek employer must first advertise a job opportunity for 3 months in Greece and then for 3 months throughout the European Union, and if a suitable person is not found within this period, he can hire a person who is not a citizen of the EU member states.

The demand for work in Greece is very high, so it is better for those interested in entering Europe to change their destination and choose a country like Germany, which not only issues work-seeking visas and does not initially consider having a job offer mandatory. It also has lower unemployment and inflation, and a stronger and more stable economy. It should be noted that the average monthly income in Germany is higher than in Greece, so people in Germany have a higher level of economic and social welfare. The following table shows the level of income in Greece:


Monthly income level in Greece during 2021 Description
€ 620 (Euro) The lowest monthly income in Greece
€ 2430 (Euro) Average monthly income in Greece
€ 10900 (Euro) Highest monthly income in Greece



Working conditions in Greece

Those who are unemployed sometimes enjoy unemployment benefits in Greece, etc., but often have a difficult life. It should be noted that the exact level of income in Greece depends on various factors, including what level of education, how much work experience, and so on. Unfortunately, this is another factor that determines the gender of individuals, and in Greece, women in the same job position as their male counterpart, even if they have the same resume and job skills, receive 7% less salary, as shown in the table below. Has been:

Gender Average income in Greece
Women € 2360 (Euro)
Men € 2530 (Euro)


In Greece, once every 16 months, 9% is added to their salaries in accordance with the law to prevent people from losing their purchasing power due to inflation. Of course, in other countries of the world, on average, only 3% is added to the salaries of individuals every 16 months, which naturally varies from country to country. This article, prepared by  NJV.co. , seeks to guide those interested in working and studying in Greece about the conditions that govern the Greek economy and the list of jobs required by Greece in 2020. It is suggested that those interested in migrating to Europe choose countries that are currently more economically stable, as countries in crisis such as Spain and Greece are often more troubled by domestic problems and less likely to emigrate.