According to the EODY announcement, there are 510 patients with COVID-19 on ventilators on Saturday, which is eleven fewer than Friday, and 40 fewer than the day before.

A total of approximately 50,000 coronavirus tests were conducted across the country during the past 24-hour period.

Tragically, 29 more people suffering from the coronavirus passed away in the country over the past 24-hour period, which represents eleven fewer individuals than those who died with the virus on Friday.

Coronavirus vaccination now extended to people aged 30-34 in Greece


People aged 30-34 are now able to set appointments for Covid-19 vaccinations as of Saturday May 29, at the official website

The appointments platform opened for the 35-39 age group on May 26 and for the 40-44 age group on May 21.

Vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson are now available for all age groups from 30 and over, as announced recently.

All four are also available for people with underlying conditions, those in high-risk groups, employees in health services, and all general education teachers and administrators.

In addition, as of Saturday, people aged over 18 can be inoculated with the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

It has to be noted that the one-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine has been chosen by Greek authorities to vaccinate the entire population that lives in the country’s islands, in an attempt to boost the tourist season as soon as possible for 2021.

The vaccination program is proceeding at a fast rate. Greece is currently third among the 27 EU countries in the rolling seven-day average of vaccinations per 100,000 people, and fifth in the percentage of the population that is now fully vaccinated.

The 29 new deaths recorded on Saturday bring the total number of fatalities in the country to 12,024; Approximately 95 percent of those who have passed away with the virus were over the age of 70 or suffered from underlying health issues.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in February last year, a total of approximately 400,000 cases have been recorded in Greece, including all those who have recovered from the virus.

Of the cases diagnosed in the country in the past seven days, just 25 are associated with foreign travel and more than 2,000 have been linked to contact with a known case, that has been recorded by the country’s track and trace system.

Of the 510 patients intubated currently, 86.3 percent are over the age of 70 or suffer from preexisting conditions. Their average age is 67.

On Friday alone, 231 people with the coronavirus were admitted to hospitals in Greece,

Additionally, a total of 2,411 patients have been discharged from ICUs around the country since the beginning of the pandemic.