Hazardous ConditionsHeavy precipitation could result in flash and areal flooding. Such flooding is possible in low-lying communities near watercourses and other large bodies of water, as well as in urban areas with easily overwhelmed stormwater drainage systems. Rain-induced landslides cannot be discounted in areas of elevated terrain. The adverse weather conditions could prompt power outages throughout the affected area.

TransportTraffic and commercial trucking delays might occur along regional highways. Flooding downpours could inundate some low-lying roads in areas with poor drainage. Strong winds might also pose a hazard to high-profile vehicles. Floodwaters and related debris may render some bridges, rail networks, or roadways impassable, impacting overland travel in and around the affected area. Flooding in urban areas could also result in significant traffic congestion.

The disruptive weather could cause some delays and cancellations at airports, including those serving Athens (ATH) and Thessaloniki (SKG). Authorities may temporarily suspend port operations if strong winds trigger hazardous sea conditions, impacting freight and passenger maritime traffic.

Disruptions triggered by inclement weather and resultant hazards, such as flooding, could persist well after conditions have improved; it could take days before any floodwaters recede and/or debris is cleared.


Monitor local media for weather-related updates and advisories. Confirm all transport reservations. Stay away from elevated streams, creeks, and other watercourses that are prone to flash flooding. Do not attempt to navigate flooded roadways. Exercise caution in hilly terrain due to the potential for landslides. Charge battery-powered devices in the case of prolonged electricity outages




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