Noting that Cavusoglu met Greek premier Kyriakos Mitsotakis prior to his meeting with Dendias, the agency, citing from Greek diplomatic sources, maintained that the parties put forward their own line arguments in an earnest environment and steps for a wary dialogue were taken.

Agreeing with ANA-MPA, Central-right Kathimerini daily announced the meeting with the title of "The first step towards calm water."

In the details of the news, the daily said: "During Cavusoglu's Athens visit, following around 1.5 -year tensioned period in the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean, first steps were taken for calm times."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek premier Mitsotakis will hold a meeting on June 14, during the NATO Summit, Kathimerini noted.

Another daily, To Vima, publicized that during the foreign minister's meeting, a list regarding mutual economic cooperation between the countries was agreed upon.

The list that was prepared by Turkish deputy foreign minister Sedat Onal and his Greek peer Kostas Frangogiannis during their meeting in northern port city Kavala on May 29 contains provisions on cooperation in transportation, telecommunication, technology, energy, maritime, tourism, education, social security, health, and environment domains.

Prototema, Sunday daily with central-right tendency, also drew attention to the agreement on economic cooperation, noting that the two countries agreed to recognize the COVID-19 vaccine certificates issued by each other.

Another daily, Avgi, leftist, affiliated with main-opposition party SYRIZA, affirmed that the meetings of Cavuosglu with Dendias took place under a sincere environment.

Erdogan and Mitsotakis were scheduled to meet at the NATO summit, Avgi noted.

The daily also maintained that the counties showed their willingness to have a calm summer in the Aegean and agreed to hold a summit to tackle this issue.