residence in Greece through financial means. (It is better to have a little more than this amount in your account to justify the embassy. The Greek government has proposed this method for people with a net annual income of 40,000 euros. To attract the visa officer's attention, the applicant can prove his or her income through bank deposit interest, property lease, pension and stock exchange dividends. Third-country nationals may also apply for residence with their family. In this case, according to Article 1- paragraph 1- of Law No. 4251, the person will act in accordance with the existing program to receive the residence of the dependent applicants. The residence of the dependents will expire together with the residence of the main applicant. The required documents can also be submitted on time, individually or collectively. The total amount of the approved fee may be in the form of retirement financial documents. Interest on a bank account or a document owned by a natural person with appropriate financial and legal conditions to cover all of his living expenses in Greece without the need to provide a pay slip or related economic activities may also be allocated. 20, Citizens applying for third world countries to receive residency in their country through the pension scheme can extend their residency regardless of the amount of pension received. In this case, the person will no longer be allowed access to the Greek labor market.



 Services of Institute in the process of obtaining Greek residency through the method of financial means:

The experts and consultants of Consulting Institute will be with you in all stages of obtaining residency in the country, making this complex task easier and faster for the applicants. Obtaining a Type C visa and then applying for a Type D visa, providing tourist travel conditions before receiving a residence card, opening a bank account, receiving a tax code, pickup and free transfer, buying and renting property in Greece, municipal costs Receiving one-year Greek insurance, immigration office fees, Greek law office fees and most importantly travel to the desired result, are the services of Institute to obtain European residency. After your contact with our colleagues at Institute, consultants and The residency experts of your country will review your situation and answer any questions you may have. At this stage, the checklist of required documents will be provided to you. It does not matter if you have traveled to Schengen countries before. In the first step, our partners will apply for your Schengen type C visa. In the next step, on a 4-day trip to the country, which is mandatory for the head of the family or the applicant, the first steps by our partners in the country, including receiving a tax code, Bank account, etc. is done. On this trip, our expert will always be by your side and will deal with the process. It takes about a month after the return of the first trip to issue a Schengen Type D visa to the applicant and his / her family. To apply for this visa, in addition to translating the documents required for a Schengen visa, a health certificate (for all family members and even infants), a certificate of no criminal record for persons over 18 years of age and bank applicant documents in the applicant country are required. Note that in this method of obtaining residency, you must provide at least € 10,000 in cash to the bank to open an account. You will receive a physical and virtual credit card less than one month after opening your account.

Steps to obtain Greek residency through financial means :

  • Preparation of required documents in consultation with experts of Consulting Institute
  • Applying for a Schengen Type C tourist visa for a 4-day trip to Greece
  • Accompaniment and presence of Institute expert in Greece to open an account, administrative and residential affairs
  • Submit a Schengen Type D visa application
  • Receive a 2-year residence card after less than 60 days


Expert advice :

In the meetings, you are a special guest of Institute, our aim is to first provide detailed information about the residence laws of Greece and provide explanations about the process of residence in Greece to the applicant.



After all your questions have been answered during the expert counseling sessions on residence in Greece and the conditions for obtaining residence were favorable for you, if the applicant wishes, a contract on the subject of residence in Greece will be concluded between Institute and the applicant. To be. Although other institutions will initially receive at least 40 to 50 percent of the total fee, you will initially pay only 20 percent to get started and pay the rest in installments throughout the process and progress.


Obtaining a Schengen tourist visa:

Initial trip to Greece

Due to the fact that applicants for residence in Greece must have traveled to Greece at least once, so for those who have not traveled to Greece before, first the Greek tourist visa (Schengen) for the head of the family in the first month of the process The applicant is eligible to apply for residency with a multi-day trip and residence in Greece.


Obtaining a Type D visa:

After the initial trip, the applicant prepares documents of financial viability, including bank account balance, turnover, real estate leases and identity documents, including a certificate of no criminal record and physical health certificates with our advice and according to the necessary standards, and after translation And confirmation of documents to apply for a type D visa. This type of visa is issued to allow people to apply for a residence permit to enter Greece. It should be noted that most institutions will settle accounts with the applicant after receiving a Type D visa and receive the rest of the costs, if the institution will settle the account with the applicant after the delivery of the Greek residence card to the applicant and in the last stage of the process.

Second trip to Greece:

After receiving a Type D visa for yourself and your family, you will travel to Greece and at the office of Institute in Greece, our Persian-speaking colleagues will help you continue the residency process. At this stage, an international bank account for you It will be opened, and you will have to pay the cost of living in Greece for the next 2 years in cash to your bank account in Greece. At this stage, the legal address will be determined for you and then you will be covered by health insurance.


Attending the Immigration and Blue Pay Office:

Immigration Office The final arrangements for residence in Greece have been made by our lawyers and finally a receipt for your residence and your family will be issued. A residence permit or blueprint is an EU-certified permit that allows non-Europeans to reside in European countries. Blue paper is basically a residence permit which subsequently leads to the issuance of a card to those who have applied for residence.      

Greece Residence Card Delivery:

After receiving the receipt, our colleagues will follow the final stages of the legal process and within approximately 45 working days, your Greek residence card will be delivered to your office in Greece.


For more information, click on the links below

  Complete information reference of Greece International Consulting Institute

Having an expert and professional team in this field, as the most prestigious and oldest collection in Greece and without intermediaries, it provides services to our dear compatriots in the shortest possible time without any intermediaries .