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ECB’s decision on Greek bonds a “message of confidence”, says Greece

A decision taken by the European Central Bank on Greece is a strong message of confidence and a signal of acknowledging the progress made by our country, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Friday, commenting on an ECB’s decision on Greek bonds.

The European Central Bank will offer threefold support to Greece after the end of the extraordinary quantitative easing program (PEPP) in March, and despite Greece’s exclusion from the conventional QE program (APP). Frankfurt will reserve the option of purchasing Greek bonds worth at least 20 billion euros and therefore cover the Greek state’s issuing activity.

That support will come through the extension of the bond reinvestment period, the flexibility that the reinvestment will have, and the possibility of reactivating the PEPP if required. Importantly, all ECB Governing Council members were in favor of that support to Greece, thanks to the systematic work by all Bank of Greece officials involved over the last six months.

“This is a very strong signal for Greece,” said ECB chief Christine Lagarde at a press conference, noting that the country “has clearly recorded great progress, especially at the front of reforms, and its credit rating has improved considerably.”

Staikouras stressed that this decision and the comments made by ECB’s president added to the chain of recent reports by partners, institutions and credit rating companies, which all certified that the country was moving towards the right direction and that its economic policy and the sacrifices of the citizens were bearing fruit.

He stressed, however, that the government and its economic team have no room for complacency that it will continue implementing reforms, and a prudent fiscal policy.

The FinMin noted that that the government and the economic team are working with a plan and with determination and confidence to further strenthen the country and to obtain, the soonest possible, the investment grade.


Uni graduates seeking vocational training

An increasing number of university graduates have turned in recent years, amid the financial crisis and high unemployment, to studies offered by vocational training institutes (IEK), which had hitherto been relatively shunned. 

Countries rush to buy Merck, Pfizer’s experimental Covid-19 pills

Merck & Co Inc has signed nine deals to sell more than about 3 million courses in total of its experimental Covid-19 pill molnupiravir to governments around the world as nations scramble to tame the pandemic.


Words of Wisdom from Ancient Greek Philosophers Featured in App

The “Greek Philosopher” app gathers more than six hundred of the most profound words of wisdom from the major schools of ancient Greek thought — and delivers them straight to you on your mobile device.

Based on original sources, this work is a compilation of carefully-selected quotes of ancient Greek philosophy spanning from the sixth century BC to the first

ancient greek philosophy philosopher app philosopher wisdom

Thinkers from the Greek schools of Stoicism, Cynicism and Epicureanism are among the thirty-six Greek philosophers featured in the app.

Ancient Greek philosophy

Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early third century BC, who was greatly inspired by the teachings of Socrates. Stoicism is a philosophy of ethics, with or without a belief in God.

According to its teachings, the path to Eudaimonia (i.e. happiness, fulfillment, flourishing) for humans is found in fully accepting the moment as it presents itself; by not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or fear of pain, by using reason to understand the world, and by treating others fairly.

According to Cynicism, social values, material goods and luxuries kept man away from true happiness — which can only be found by living in the simplicity of nature.

Epicureanism refers to a way of life that encourages its adherents to seek modest, sustainable pleasure in the form of a state of ataraxia (tranquility and freedom from fear) through knowledge of the workings of the world, and limiting their desires.



Economic Freedom in Greece Improving, Albeit Slowly

Greece Economic Freedom

Greece has made its way up four positions in the Global Economic Freedom Index since 2019, but this movement establishes the country in just the 78th place out of 165, according to the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World annual report.

The report was released on Tuesday in Greece and Cyprus by the Center for Liberal Studies.

Anti-vax teachers to face salary cut, suspension

Anti-vax teachers to face salary cut, suspension

Educators who refuse to be vaccinated or to undergo regular testing for Covid-19 before going back to class will face a salary cut and other disciplinary measures under a joint ministerial decision that is currently in the pipeline, Kathimerini understands. 

Moderna to Use mRNA Technology Against Flu, HIV, and Cancer

Moderna to Use mRNA Technology Against Flu, HIV, and Cancer

Moderna, the Cambridge, Massachusetts based biotechnology firm, has had a remarkable year, rising from obscurity to giving the world the second vaccine against the coronavirus; now it will weaponize the same mRNA technology against HIV, cancer and other maladies that plague mankind.

Unvaccinated Teachers Must Show Negative Tests to Enter Schools in Greece

Unvaccinated Teachers Must Show Negative Tests to Enter Schools in Greece

Study in Greece

Study in Greece

Study in Greece

Want to study in Greece, the very birthplace of academia (or, in Ancient Greek, Akadēmía)? This Mediterranean country is widely recognized as the intellectual wellspring to which modern Western culture owes many of its linguistic, philosophical, cultural, legal, social and ethical beliefs and systems. Concepts of individualism, freedom, democracy and government all have their roots in the great thinkers of Ancient Greece, whose ideas are still widely read and debated today. Keen to follow in the footsteps of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and so many other great questioners and innovators – while enjoying some delicious Greek cuisine, sunny weather and lively cities? Read on…