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Earthquake rattles with 5.4 R southern Greece, felt in Athens

 An strong earthquake rattled with 5.4 on the Richter scale parts of southern Greece early on Saturday morning. The tremor occurred in the sea area between western Crete and south Peloponnese at 7:16 a.m. local time, the Athens Geodynamic Institute reported. Its focal depth was 57.6 km.

Greek media reported the earthquake was felt from Athens to Crete.

It was “about five seconds long, quite strong even in the basement of a building,” one witness in the city of Chania on Crete, wrote on the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) testimony board.

Greece’s fire brigade service said it had no reports of damage.

“Because of its considerable depth, the tremor was felt in a wider area,” Efthymios Lekkas, head of Greece’s organisation for anti-seismic planning, told Greek state broadcaster ERT.

ECB’s decision on Greek bonds a “message of confidence”, says Greece

A decision taken by the European Central Bank on Greece is a strong message of confidence and a signal of acknowledging the progress made by our country, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Friday, commenting on an ECB’s decision on Greek bonds.

The European Central Bank will offer threefold support to Greece after the end of the extraordinary quantitative easing program (PEPP) in March, and despite Greece’s exclusion from the conventional QE program (APP). Frankfurt will reserve the option of purchasing Greek bonds worth at least 20 billion euros and therefore cover the Greek state’s issuing activity.

That support will come through the extension of the bond reinvestment period, the flexibility that the reinvestment will have, and the possibility of reactivating the PEPP if required. Importantly, all ECB Governing Council members were in favor of that support to Greece, thanks to the systematic work by all Bank of Greece officials involved over the last six months.

“This is a very strong signal for Greece,” said ECB chief Christine Lagarde at a press conference, noting that the country “has clearly recorded great progress, especially at the front of reforms, and its credit rating has improved considerably.”

Staikouras stressed that this decision and the comments made by ECB’s president added to the chain of recent reports by partners, institutions and credit rating companies, which all certified that the country was moving towards the right direction and that its economic policy and the sacrifices of the citizens were bearing fruit.

He stressed, however, that the government and its economic team have no room for complacency that it will continue implementing reforms, and a prudent fiscal policy.

The FinMin noted that that the government and the economic team are working with a plan and with determination and confidence to further strenthen the country and to obtain, the soonest possible, the investment grade.


Refugees in Lesbos await Pope to share their stories

A view of the Mavrovouni refugee camp on Lesbos

Archbishop Josif Printezis highlights the significance of the Pope’s upcoming trip to Lesbos, noting that the camp he will be visiting is not the same as it was on his trip 6 years ago reports the Vatican news

Six years have passed since Pope Francis last visited the Greek island of Lesbos. Since then, according to Archbishop Josif Printezis, a lot of things have changed. Speaking to Francesca Sabatinelli, the Greek Archbishop notes that the conditions at the migrant camp are much better now than they were. It’s actually a new camp, he says, explaining that after Pope Francis visited back in 2016, it burnt down and a new one was built. 

The Pope visits Lesbos and meets with migrants and refugees at the island’s Mavrovouni refugee camp on Sunday, his penultimate day in Greece. 

A different reality

Another difference is that “now there are much fewer refugees”, says Archbishop Printezis. There were around 25,000 when the Pope came to visit, now there are around 2,500. This, he explained, is partly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, meaning many fewer refugees are travelling, “but also due to the agreement between the European Union and Turkey”. They are not being “sent over”, he explains. He also adds that the process of identification and asylum is much faster now, and people are getting their papers and moving to mainland Greece or to the continent. 

The agreement between Turkey and the EU was made in March 2016, EU Heads of State or Government and Turkey agreed to end the irregular migration from Turkey to the EU and replace it instead with legal channels of resettlement of refugees to the European Union.

The Pope’s concern

The Pope really is concerned for the situation surrounding migrants, said Archbishop Printezis. He is concerned about the many lives being lost, especially at sea, but he is also concerned about the situations that are causing the migration forcing people to leave their homes and their countries… about war.. about poverty. 

A significant visit

“We are looking forward to the Pope’s visit”, he says. It is a wonderful opportunity for us as such a “small Catholic community” to be able to meet the Pope, to have him visit, or even just to have him “think about us”. It is important that the Catholic people of Greece not feel left out, he continued, and for them to feel part of the bigger Catholic Church in the world. Pope Francis is very highly esteemed he concluded, by our Catholics, but also by the Orthodox.. “by everyone”, he says. “All people are very fond of him for all he says and all he does”.

Pope Francis arrived in Lesvos

At just a few minutes after 10:00AM, the plane carrying Pope Francis to Lesvos landed at Mytilene airport.

Pope Francis will visit refugees in the “Welcome Center and Authentication” at Kara Tepe.

The President of the Republic, who arrived on the island half an hour earlier, will accompany the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church during his visit.

The two of them had a short conversation upon his arrival, while Metropolitan Iakovos welcomed him to the island.

The Vice President of the European Commission, Margaritis Schoinas, and the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, will also be in Kara Tepe.

The Pope will stay for about an hour at the “Reception and Identification Center” and at 12:15 he will leave Lesvos for Athens.

At 16:45 he will perform a Divine Liturgy at the Athens Concert Hall.

Pope francis Mytilene Lesvos December 5 2021

Six Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Greek

When visiting Greece it may be difficult for you to understand some of the cultural norms to follow during your stay in this beautiful country. To help you avoid embarrassing conversations and awkward situations, here’s a list of things to avoid saying to a Greek. You’re welcome!

Groups of greeks enjoying Mykonos, Greece.

Things you shouldn’t say in Greece

1. “Can I have some Turkish coffee?”

No, you may not. Truly, you never want to ask this question – not in a Greek’s home or in a cafeteria. Two reasons: first of all, it is Greek coffee and you will be told entire back story — so be sure to get comfy! Secondly, you’re in Greece — so again, it’s Greek coffee!

2. “Which way is the ocean?”

Greece is not located in the ocean! We have the Mediterranean Sea and it is divided into the other seas – the Ionian, Aegean and Cretan. If you have ever been to an island in the ocean you know there are huge waves. In Greece we are very proud of our beautiful, relatively calm blue seas, which are perfect for swimming, sailing and water sports.

3. “Where is the Pantheon”?

Wrong country. You mean the Parthenon. For Greeks, history and historical ruins are an interwoven part of culture and society. So before you come to Greece looking for the Pantheon — an Ancient Roman building located in Rome — please do a Google search!

4. “Can you teach me something to say in Greek?”

This is a bad question to ask, as many Greeks get a kick out of telling foreigners to try out the almost impossible to say, tongue-twisting word describing an ancient Greek festival dish invented by Aristophanes. Go on, try it and see how you do! It’s “Lopathotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimipotrimmatosiliphiokaravomelitokatakechimenokichlepikossiphophttoperisteralektruonoptokefalliokiglopeleiolagoosiraiovafitraganopterugon.”

5. “Here’s my address, look me up if you come to my country.”

Don’t say this unless you actually mean it! If you give your address to a Greek it is pretty much a given that if they are ever visiting your country, they will look you up. Greeks are known for their hospitality and after having welcomed you into their country, or island, or village, they will assume that you wish to do the same.

6. “Istanbul.”

Greeks still call this city Konstantinopoli. Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you call it Istanbul, but it’s a really sensitive subject for many Greeks for several reasons.

In fact, if you buy a plane ticket from Greece to go to Istanbul, you will find that it says Konstantinopoli in Greek.

Even the on the news, reporters refer to Istanbul as Konstantinopoli. Here’s why: The city is not only steeped in Greek history, it is also because of its deep religious ties. Konstantinopoli means “City of Constantine,” and was named after the Byzantine emperor who established the city as the capital of the Christian Byzantine Empire.

The Ottomans took over the city in 1453 and its name was officially changed to Istanbul in the beginning of the last century. Actually even this name means “to the city” — meaning Constantinople — but that’s a story for another day.


Moderna seeks EU authorization for Covid-19 vaccine in young kids

Moderna Inc on Tuesday sought conditional marketing authorization with the European Medicines Agency for use of its Covid-19 vaccine in children in the age-group of 6-11 years.

The vaccine was authorized for use in teens aged 12 to 17 years by the European Union in July, but several countries including Sweden have paused its use for people aged 30 and younger due to rare heart-related side-effects.

The drugmaker sought US authorization of its vaccine for use in teens in June and is awaiting a decision by the US Food and Drug Administration.

“This marks our first submission for the use of our vaccine in this age group,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive of Moderna, adding the company will submit the data to other regulatory agencies around the world.


Greek Students Triumph in World Robotics Olympiad

The Greek national Robotics team recently won three medals in the Robotics Olympiad, held between June and September. The “First Global Challenge Team Greece” won one gold, one silver and one bronze medals.

The Robotics Olympiad First Global Challenge called “Discover and Recover 2021” was held from June 27 to September 25, 2021. It was conducted remotely, due to the pandemic restrictions. The First Global Challenge Robotics Olympiad is a robotics, science and technology event.

Greek robotics team

The Greek Monkey Mystery – and an Important Clue to Bronze Age World

Ancient frescoes like that of the Greek monkeys on Santorini suggest Europe and south Asia had trade links as long as 3,600 years ago. 

By Tracie McKinney & Marie Nicole Pareja Cummings

Monkeys ancient greeks

The blue monkeys painted on the walls of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Santorini are among many animals found in the frescoes of this 3,600-year-old city. Historians have studied the murals for decades since they were unearthed in the 1960s and 1970s on the island, which was once known as Thera. But when we and a team of other primatologists recently examined the paintings, we realized the monkeys could provide a clue that the Bronze Age world was much more globalized than previously thought.

Archaeologists had assumed the monkeys were an African species, with which the Aegean people who built Akrotiri probably came into contact via trade links with Egypt. But we think the paintings actually depict Hanuman langurs, a species from the Indian subcontinent. This suggests the Aegean people, who came from Crete and the Cycladic islands in the Aegean Sea, may have had trade routes that reached over 2,500 miles.

The wall paintings of Akrotiri were preserved by ash from a volcano that destroyed the city some time in the 16th or 15th century BC and offer an incredible glimpse of an early civilization in Europe. We haven’t been able to translate the earliest Aegean writing, but the paintings suggest just how developed these people’s society, economy and culture were.

Much animal art from this period is generalized, meaning it’s hard to confidently identify individual species. In the case of the monkeys, we also don’t have any physical remains from Aegean settlements to provide additional evidence of which species are depicted.

The reason why archaeologists and art historians have assumed they came from Egypt is because that was the nearest location with an indigenous monkey population that had known trade links with the Aegean. As a result, the Akrotiri monkeys have been variously identified as baboons, vervets and grivet monkeys, all African species that live across a wide area.

Marie Pareja decided to take a different approach, gathering a team of primatologists who study apes, monkeys, and lemurs, including renowned taxonomic illustrator Stephen Nash. Together, we examined photos of the art and discussed the animals depicted, considering not only fur colour and pattern but also body size, limb proportions, sitting and standing postures, and tail position. While we all agreed that some of the animals depicted were baboons, as previously thought, we began to debate the identification of the animals from one particular scene.

Identifying the langurs of the Greeks’ monkeys

The monkeys in the paintings are grey-blue. But although some living monkeys have small patches of blue skin – the blue on a mandrill’s face, for example – none have blue fur. There is an African forest monkey called the blue monkey, but it is mainly olive or dark grey, and the face patterns don’t match those in the paintings. So we needed to use other characteristics to identify them.

They were previously believed to be vervets or grivets, small monkeys weighing between 3kg and 8kg (roughly the size of a housecat) that are found in the savannas of north and east Africa. Despite their silvery white fur, they also have dark-coloured hands and feet and an overall look that matches the depictions in the paintings.

However, Hanuman langurs, which weigh a more substantial 11 kg to 18 kg, have a similar look. They also move quite differently, and this was crucial to the identification.

Both primates primarily live on the ground (as opposed to in trees) and have long limbs and tails. But the langurs tend to carry their tail upward, as an S- or C-shape or curving towards the head, while vervets carry their tail in a straight line or arcing downward. This tail position, repeated across multiple images, was a key factor in identifying the monkeys as Hanuman langurs.

International links

We know from archaeological evidence that Aegean peoples had access to minerals such as tin, lapis lazuli and carnelian that came from beyond the Zagros mountains on the western border of modern Iran. But the artistic detail of the Akrotiri paintings, compared to other monkey art of the period, suggests that the artists had seen live animals, perhaps while traveling abroad.

It’s understandable that earlier scholars thought the monkeys were African, since relations between the Aegean and Egypt were already well known and supported by archaeological evidence. If you expect to find an African monkey, you will only look at African animals for possible explanations. But as primatologists, we were able to bring a fresh look at the evidence without preconceived notions of ancient peoples or trade routes, and consider species living further afield.

This study is an excellent example of the importance of academics from different disciplines working together. Without the expertise of primatologists, it may not have been possibly to confidently identify these animals. Conversely, primatologists may not have considered these ancient human-primate interactions without a prompt from archaeologists.

Tracie McKinney is a Senior Lecturer in Human Biology, University of South Wales.

Marie Nicole Pareja Cummings is a Consulting Scholar, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.

Greek Islands Win Gold as “Most Desirable Region” in Travel Awards

The Greek islands have earned the top spot as the “most desirable region” for travelers in the Wanderlust 2021 Awards, which take place every year.

The awards, which are organized by Wanderlust, a British travel magazine, are based on votes from the publication’s readers.

greek islands award

Biden Announces January 2022 Deadline for Corporate Vaccine Mandate

Joe Biden announced on Thursday that his new vaccine mandate for companies with over 100 workers will be place starting on January 4, 2022.

The mandate, which Biden first announced in September, will affect over 100 million workers in the United States.

Vaccine mandate